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Partners of the Tourist Office and tourism professionals, find here the tools and information you may need in your daily life.

Welcoming people with disabilities

As part of our label Accessible tourism, the tourist office has updated the offer with its partners and in the town.

If you want to know more, in order to be able to inform your customers with disabilities, do not hesitate to download the guide, the emergency numbers or the new adapted map of the town center of Bénodet.

Map Bénodet Tourism&Handicap

Emergency numbers

Survey of the Bénodet offer

If you are engaged in a process of progress to obtain the label or if you wish to obtain information about it, do not hesitate to come back to us for more information.

Make your customers aware of the right gestures

Let's act together for the respect of our environment! During your clients' stay, suggest a few practical actions in the context of sustainable development.

Sustainable Development Brochure

Classify your accommodation:

Breton cottage and presentation text

You are a future project leader and want to classify your accommodation here the new criteria for 2022.


Monitoring Breton tourism by the CRT Bretagne Observatory
Key figures for tourism in Brittany

For your activity, also consult:
Professional space of the Quimper destination Cornwall